Tips for Keeping Your Dog in Good Shape

17/02/2017 - Blog

Mental and physical exercise is intrinsically linked to your dogs’ health and well-being. Maintaining consistent levels and duration of exercise is essential to help keep your dog in good shape. Take a look at the following six tips which will enable you to strike the right balance for you and your dog.

Making the Right Start

As humans, before we workout, we warm up. This is just as important for our dogs as it is for us. A brisk walk for a few minutes should get lots of well-oxygenated blood circulating to all of their ligaments and muscles, protecting them from any strains or injuries.

Get Social

If your dog has the right temperament, off-lead time with other dogs can allow your dog the freedom to frolic and play whilst burning lots of energy at the same time.


Lots of dogs love to retrieve and chase. It can be an easy way to increase their activity levels when you are less able to cover the same distance yourself.

Hide and Seek

This can be a really fun game to play on the days where you may not be able to exercise outside for the same amount of time as usual. Make use of your whole house for this (especially the stairs if you have them) and it can be a brilliant mental workout too.

Splash Around

Swimming is a brilliant all-round exercise for dogs, especially if they are having any joint difficulties. Always check that it’s safe and you could even brave the chilly water yourself and do it together if you’re feeling adventurous!

Cool Off

At the end of your session, allow your dog chance to cool off properly. Tone down the intensity for the last ten minutes - this will enable muscles to recover properly before they inevitably flop back down on your kitchen floor.


Hopefully, these six points have given you some inspiration to shape your own exercise routine with your dog. Should you need any bespoke support, at CK9 Training, we can utilise our expertise to ensure you have the right exercise routine in place for your dog. Contact us today to find out more.
